Managing Media Storage in WordPress

All BuffsCreate sites come with a set amount of storage, which is generally plenty for the average user. If your site relies heavily on large images (for example, your site catalogues art pieces), you may get a notification that you are approaching the storage limit. Here are some simple solutions to fix this.


The Smush Plugin is easily installed will automatically compress image sizes while still maintaining quality. The Smush Plugin allows users to:

  1. Smush All Your Images in Bulk
  2. Automatically Compress New Uploads
  3. Super-Smush For Double the Compression
  4. Display Your Full Size Images
  5. Convert Your PNGs to JPEGs
  6. Smush From the Media Library
  7. Lazy Load Your Images For a Boost of Speed
  8. Utilize Smush’s CDN
  9. Serve the Correct Image Sizes
  10. Convert Your Images to Next-Gen Formats


If you have multiple users uploading media, account owners can set file-size limits for uploading.


Users can compress images manually in the media library.


Depending on their needs and site design, users can choose to upload videos to Youtube and link them to their site, versus embedding videos to their page.