BuffsCreate Blog Tutorial

In this tutorial, we will walk you through the steps to create a blog using WordPress in BuffsCreate.

Step 0: Creating a Subdomain

We recommend creating your blog on a subdomain. To learn about what a subdomain is and how to create one, we have created this tutorial video.

For a transcript of this video, visit this link

If you would like to learn more, or see step-by-step instructions with pictures, please visit this link.

Step 1: Installing WordPress on your BuffsCreate site

In this first installment of the BuffsCreate Blog Tutorial series, we show you how to install WordPress onto your newly created subdomain and walk through all of the setup settings you can fill out for the best blog/website experience!

For a transcript of this video, visit this link.

Step 2: Choosing an Initial Theme for Your WordPress Site

In this second installment of the BuffsCreate Blog Tutorial series, we show you how to choose a theme for your WordPress blog to change the appearance of your website to exactly what you’re envisioning!

For a transcript of this video, visit this link.

Step 3: Using a WordPress Starter Site (optional)

In this third installment of the BuffsCreate Blog Tutorial series, we show you how to use a theme with a starter site (in this case, the WordPress theme “Neve”) to give you an extra boost when starting a website from scratch. Starter sites offer a way for you to upload pre-written content and design to your website to edit instead of having to create everything from scratch. This is an optional step, but is recommended for beginners as it makes the process of starting a website easier.

For a transcript of this video, visit this link.

Step 4: Making Your Own Content with Posts vs. Pages

In this fourth installment of the BuffsCreate Blog Tutorial series, we show you how to add your own content onto your WordPress blog and explain the difference between WordPress posts and pages.

For a transcript of this video, visit this link.