What is BuffsCreate

Sponsored by ASSETT and University Libraries, BuffsCreate gives us the opportunity to take responsibility for a digital space where we can have a voice and presence all our own.

Why it Matters



With BuffsCreate, you can practice essential digital and information literacies, explore digital tools, and begin to make choices about how you participate. You’ll have opportunities to shape, resist, consume, and contribute to the complexities of digital space.


Digital Identity

With BuffsCreate, you can cultivate a digital identity that represents you and your ongoing goals. You might choose to share reflections on learning or perhaps you’ll contribute to the conversations or issues that animate you.



With BuffsCreate, you can take ownership of the content you share in digital spaces, rather than forfeiting control and freedom to technology companies and platforms. You’ll decide and control what and how your creations are distributed online.

Technically, What It Is

  • You’ll register a personalized sub-domain name associated with an online web space over which you’ll have control. You might share academic projects, personal websites or blogs, professional portfolios, cool creations, almost anything. 
  • Through reflection and self-expression, you’ll practice essential digital and information literacies, explore digital tools, reflect and connect your learning, and cultivate a digital identity all your own. 
  • You’ll have access to a number of open applications such as WordPress, Drupal, Omeka, Scalar, or Media Wiki.
  • At the time of graduation, you may choose to take that work with you and purchase your own domain.  

What it includes

Applications available WordPress, Omeka, Scalar, Joomla, Drupal, MediaWiki, and Mahara, among others.

1gb of storage.

What it excludes

The service will not be offered to department or non-individual accounts, nor for storage intense digital projects. It is also not currently available to official student clubs.

The service does not include a design consultation service. Think of the project and your space as a playground or a laboratory, where we play alongside one another. These are spaces where we can try, where we might fail, or we might succeed.

How do I get started

Simply go to the BuffsCreate Homepage and click “Get Started” to choose a domain name and begin building your possibility space. Through the web hosting provider Reclaim Hosting, BuffsCreate allows users to build sites, wikis, forums, and more.

Learn more on our documentation pages, FAQs, and glossary of terms or contact bcsupport@colorado.edu for additional information.